
When Purchasing  FlyingToyz Boomerangs

Please Note:
Boomerangs are not toys, and improper use can result in property damage and/or serious injury. Boomerang throwing is a serious sport. FlyingToyz Boomerangs DO return to the thrower when thrown properly, but the boomerang may behave erratically in high winds, or when used by inexperienced throwers. Please read and follow ALL throwing instructions carefully AND completely, making sure you have plenty of room before throwing. 
When purchasing boomerangs, you have accepted FULL responsibility for ANY AND ALL accidents to either yourself or others, including any damage to property, publicly or privately owned. In addition to this, ANY boomerang you purchase  from FlyingToyz.com becomes your personal responsibility, and you are obligated to inform other throwers of possible dangers from misuse or abuse of the boomerang. PLEASE ALSO NOTE: All sales are final, and absolutely no returns or exchanges will be accepted, with no exceptions.
If you are in TOTAL AGREEMENT with this Disclaimer, please feel free to order boomerangs from FlyingToyz.com. If you do not agree with our disclaimer, please look all you want, but do not order from us.